Clutter Converts Say:
“After a lifetime of saving and collecting, I suddenly felt like I was drowning in THINGS and didn’t want to burden our children with having to “deal” with a TON of stuff some day. At my friend's recommendation, I hired Audrey and she came
and somehow created calm and order out of my clutter.
At first it was very, very hard for me to part with anything but she (lovingly) opened my eyes to new ways of thinking about the “painful” act of getting rid of things and she was patient and kind throughout the process.
Now all my closets are a pleasure to look at and interact with— everything is orderly, uncrowded and pretty. Ditto my drawers and cubbies… She’s the real deal! "- Blair B. RPV.
"Clutter Girl has the energy of six people and the patience of Job. I'm not sure how she gets it all done and still manages to smile and stay excited about the task at hand but she does! I was nervous about letting anyone into my closets but Audrey is a consummate pro + I don't know how I ever lived without her!" -Lynn H. Redondo
"Clutter Girl saved my SANITY. I've given the gift of CG to all my BFFs and they're equally stoked." Maxie RB